Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spelling Bees

Practice spelling and numeracy in fun games with others [FREE] tutpup

Spelling city - put in 5 words you need to learn, play games to learn them

Mass of games - grammar practice,  hangman, verbs, storylinks, compound words, nouns, alphabetical order, making words

More games - play and read - punctuation, spelling, word games

Spin and Spell - choose a picture and spin the dial to spell the word [American voice - but fun]- things we eat, clothes, transport, things in the home and animals - also Challenge a friend!

Spelling using wordsearch type scenario - good fun

Games and quizzes - spelling, plurals, synonyms, homophones, word games, prefixes and suffixes, blends etc

Countdown - make as many words with given consonants and vowels

Torture the Teacher spelling game - choose the incorrect spelling until the teacher resigns!

Spell words correctly form the pictures to win the race - Grilled Cheese Please

Vast load of spelling games here

Mr Smith's essential list activities - practice and check Mr Smith Spelling

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